Thursday, August 5, 2010

Go home

check mate, dirty fool. Play by the rules
lacking all flaws
our pieces are pawns
we're nothing but wrong in this indefinite song of where
& when we'll belong

Why don't you go suck a fuck?

Steal these words
Borrow then recycle
Give thanks we're not the only ones
your secret's safe with me

writing on the walls

This is Artists 101. That's the writing on top of the door. Waiting lines. I'd walk through fire and coal just to steal a glance. I'd like to show my face in the light, not shift with shadows like a friendly thief. Show some teeth without crooked retribution.
Smooth roads ahead: freight train followed by other cars; baggage packed in the very back, carried a long way and still comin' along strong.

Say hello to angels. Wave hi to haters. Revenge of the Geeks: coming soon, to a reality near you! Go home and stay, for your memory haunts the brightest day
Come around sometime, when the sky is dark and the stars light up a canvas left blank; (moon-shine); thief of time, King of Lies, go write your own rhymes.